Monday, December 10, 2012

Why You Need to Add a Site Map

In SEO, there is one factor that is often missed or not done properly, a website layout. There are several money-valuable benefits in having a good website layout. A good site linking will give image and authority to your site. Developing a proper site map and having a well planned linking strategy throughout your website will get your website indexed easily, and at the same time, it would be more convenient for your visitors. However, user satisfaction should be the aim of a website layout. While website optimization comes after.

Your Site map is like a table of contents for your website. With proper knowledge, it could provide your visitors effective means to find content and making it easy for search engine bots to crawl your site. However, you don't just focus everything on Search Engine Optimization, you should also keep your visitors as your top priority. You can utilize the same method with your website. Here are some points to remember in making a one.

Today's increasing awareness of visitors will turn to a site map if they cannot find the information that they need on your site menu structure. However, it should not function as the primary navigation tool for your website. It should be simple and consistent so it could easily be used by your visitors. It should be linked to various pages from the site like Help and About page. It's also helpful to add a few sentences to describe and give an introduction in case someone lands to that page through Search Engines.It would also help you decide to minimize or remove those extra menu options and those links at the bottom of the page.

Clarity is very important. It's a must that all web pages should carry a link to the site map. The layout of it should present a clear hierarchical structure of your website and it should be the simplest web page on your website. You also need to keep the name "site map" so those visitors won't be having a hard time finding it. Always keep your it updated, especially if you made changes in your website.

As I said earlier, site maps help your website to be indexed easily. It is a very effective basic linking tool for a site-wide optimization. A properly mapped and linked site map from your homepage, is the search engine's guide to find deep links in your website. If a search engine finds your website it will start by exploring links in your homepage. By the use of your site map, It gains a one-link access to your whole website and will greatly speed up its indexing.

Not all websites need a site map. Some small websites just need a good menu structure. But those that do need them should be sure that they made are also benefiting them.

High Ranking Blogs As a Way to Earn Passively   5 Low Cost Effective Ways of Setting Up Incoming Links to Your Website   Why Local Online Search Marketing Is Very Critical For Local Small Business Owners and Professionals   Simple Ways to Increase Your Google Rankings   Learning and Understanding the Basics of Search Engine Marketing   Online Marketing Techniques Are the Backbone of Internet Businesses   

Is Link Exchange Participation A Good Idea For Your Website?

Involvement in link exchange programs for the purpose of exchanging links directly with other websites is intended to produce an increase of traffic to your website. In this article we will outline some of the pros and cons of link exchange participation to help decide if it is the best thing for your website.

Basically a link exchange program involves a group of webmasters registering their websites with a central organizer for the purpose of exchanging links amongst on another. In order to participate in the link exchange, each website is "required" to offer reciprocal links to each member. This is important because unless you are the central organizer of the link exchange, you will not be able to control which sites you have links with.

Relevant, Quality Content Is What Google Wants

If your main interest is to increase traffic to your site, you are probably aware that right now Google is the "Holy Grail" of free targeted website traffic. For the long-term growth and popularity of your site, it makes sense to know what Google is looking for in order to direct visitors to your site. The underlying basic principle that Google seeks is to provide relevant, quality content to its' users. Therefore, the greater the amount of relevant, quality content a user will experience by coming to your website, the more traffic Google will send there.

Google has its' own "scoring system" or algorithm to determine the value of your site. Participation in a link exchange will have an effect on your site's value score or "Rank". This is because the value of your site is not only based on the relevance and quality of the content on your site, but it extends to the relevance and quality of the content on the sites you direct your visitors to via the link exchange.

If your site provides content on "internet marketing", a visitors experience will most likely not be enhanced by directing them to a link exchange partner whose site concerns "dog grooming"! Despite the fact that your link exchange partner may have the best, most relative content there is on dog grooming, it's not what Google wants someone to see when they put "internet marketing" into the search bar. Thus, if your site is filled with irrelevant partner links eventually your score with Google will suffer.

Link Popularity Is Not Just A Numbers Game

I say eventually for this reason. Google will use "link Popularity" in its' algorithm to rank a website. In theory, the more sites that link to yours, the more popular your site is and the higher your site should be ranked. This on the surface is one of the main benefits of belonging to a link exchange because in a very short time you can have a big increase in the number of links to your site or "link popularity". So at first, when a Google spider crawls your site and identifies the number of links coming into it, you may receive the benefit of a higher ranking because of the exchange partners.

However, there are two factors you need to keep in mind. The first is the human factor. Google actually does have live human beings that review sites with their eyeballs. With the volume of new sites and content that hits the web each day, it is not possible for them to review everything manually. But the point is that your site is always vulnerable to human review. If it is discovered that your website is filled with a bunch of irrelevant exchange partner links, overnight you can lose your ranking and your free search engine traffic. Once it is lost in this manner, it can be very difficult and time-consuming to get back.

The second factor is that Google is constantly working on and revising its' algorithm to improve how it ranks websites. Today it may only detect the number of your link exchange partner links and not detect their relevance. There is no guarantee that won't change in the future. Again, if it does, your website could be vulnerable to losing a good portion of its' traffic overnight.


Trading links can boost traffic to your website significantly. If you can find a link exchange that consists only of sites containing quality content that is relevant to yours, it could be of benefit to participate. Remember, though, you don't need a link exchange to exchange links with another website. A simple email request to the webmaster can also do the trick.

Always ask yourself this question when making changes or adding to your site, "Does this add value and benefit my visitors?". If it does, you will experience a loyal following and steady growth.

High Ranking Blogs As a Way to Earn Passively   5 Low Cost Effective Ways of Setting Up Incoming Links to Your Website   Why Local Online Search Marketing Is Very Critical For Local Small Business Owners and Professionals   Google+ and Its Effect on Your Company's Marketing Campaigns   

Top Ten Search Engine Marketing Tips for Travel Agents

Travel Agents can leverage the enormously popular keyword of, travel, to acquire new clients online by using a set group of procedures, which will create positive results each time. It all starts with the keywords and then moves to a consistent procedure.

The keyword 'travel' by itself is not enough. Unless you create what is called a long tail keyword, you will end up competing with the major travel sites, which is no fun.

Developing several long tail keywords, will eventually, bring in more clients and business. Example: travel vs. budget travel to Hawaii, or travel vs. affordable tours to Rio, See the difference? The more information you put into a keyword phase, the more targeted your Search Engine Marketing (SEM) campaign is. No, you may not get hundreds of thousands of hits, however, in time you will get a study flow of web visitors who are specifically interested in 'budget travel to Hawaii' or 'affordable tours to Rio'

It is a good idea to think long and hard about what travel niche you want to be known for. Because if you change your niche in the future, a lot of your efforts will have been lost, except, that you will have created a great deal of quality back links to your web site, which no longer represent what you really do!

And on that same note, if you have not yet selected a domain name, you can incorporate your keywords into your domain name for an added boost in online exposure. Example: If your domain name is in time, your domain name will come up in the top of the search engines when someone puts in: budget travel Hawaii or budget travel to Hawaii!

It's all about the keywords.

One way to utilize SEM, (Search Engine Marketing) to its fullest, is to create a small whirl wind around one particular travel deal and complete all of the following task, within a short period of time.

1. Select your keyword / destination

2. Find several keywords which express the benefits of the travel deal, use them often.

3. Write an article - and have it submitted to multiply article directories

4. Write a couple blog posts on the travel deal - this should initiate the RSS Feed and the pinging action

5. Make a post on: Twitter / Facebook / LinkedIn (don't forget your favorite forums)

6. Have a promotional video created and submit to as many video sharing sites as possible

7. Send out an email blast to your email list, about the travel deal

8. Place an ad in the classified section of your local newspaper, or, submit the travel deal to social bookmarking sites

9. Be sure that all of your blog post, are automatically sent to your RSS Feed, which, if set up correctly will ping the RSS Feeds

10. Write and have an e-Press Release distributed. (Professionally if possible)

All of the above steps should be done for each of your travel deals. After you do this three or four times, you will immediately begin to see an increase in your web site's visitors (statistics).

High Ranking Blogs As a Way to Earn Passively   5 Low Cost Effective Ways of Setting Up Incoming Links to Your Website   Why Local Online Search Marketing Is Very Critical For Local Small Business Owners and Professionals   Online Marketing Techniques Are the Backbone of Internet Businesses   

Why the Rich Keep Getting Richer

Rich people: fortunate, lucky, selfish, and arrogant? Or highly educated, caring, brilliant individuals? Becoming rich isn't hard, but it does require a bit of time and knowledge. Having time to get rich, educating oneself, and buying assets are the three key factors in attaining untold wealth.

Rich people usually either have or make time to get rich. Most people that now own huge mansions, have wonderful riches, and drive the nicest cars usually begin taking the road to riches in their spare time. One plan, the most common, is to work at a low-risk, steady job until one has enough money to invest in something that will feed one for the rest of their life. But before one can invest in anything, one first has to educate oneself.

Although the best way to educate oneself in a particular investment is to have a mentor, and thereby gaining valuable hands-on experience, another excellent way to do this is to listen to tapes and CDs and to read books on the subject. I have done both, mainly pertaining to real estate, but also I have read a wonderful book about making money on the Internet, called Multiple Streams of Internet Income, by Robert Allen.

Lastly, after creating time to get rich, and educating oneself, one simply MUST buy assets that will create money for one, and not liabilities and toys such as a new car every other year, and boats. These come only after one can prove that he is capable of handling and keeping money. Simply put, according to multi-millionaire Robert Kiyosaki: "Assets will feed you, and liabilities will eat you." An example of an asset is a rent-house, or stocks and bonds in a certain company. Only, that is, if the company is good and the stocks are ultimately going up in value.

In conclusion, we see that the three most important ways the rich keep getting richer are: having or making time, subject education, and buying assets. These are the key factors influencing wealth. I personally plan on educating myself in real estate, as it seems the simplest and safest way of getting rich.**

**Note: If you'd like to use this article, feel free to do so, but please remember to include this message, and my resource box in every copy. Thank you!

Why the Rich Keep Getting Richer   Why the Rich Keep Getting Richer   

Commercial General Liability Insurance - How to Get the Right Coverage

Commercial general liability coverage is a complex subject depending on the business to which it applies. Examples would be a small retail store that requires third party liability to cover a slip and fall type exposure only or right up to a large manufacturing firm that requires a wider range of liability coverage to cover its completed products and operations.

Any situation where a person attending at or using a service provided by the business or purchasing a product from the business can claim that the product, service or advise caused them financial or physical injury or harm. A single claim can literally wipe out years of hard work building up a business. Even if you have done absolutely nothing wrong and your product has worked exactly has it was supposed to, the cost of defending an action against your business can run into the tens of thousands of dollars. It only makes sense to make sure that you are protecting the business that you work hard daily to build. Despite this many small businesses are operating without any commercial general liability coverage and many are doing so because they are under the mistaken impression that the cost of the insurance is too high to warrant paying it. Having seen first hand the consequences of not carrying proper coverage I would not recommend that to anyone.

Each business must be assessed as to the exposures that their particular industry presents. Your broker must take into consideration your operations, your product, the source of your materials or products if obtained from a different supplier, where that supplier is located, whether you have alternative suppliers or do you depend on a single outlet, whether you manufacture your product of wholesale it only. Do you repackage the product and sell under your label or do you retail under someone else's label. Where do you sell your product or service and what is the amount of gross sales in each area. How many employees do you have and do they need to be added as additional named insured. Do you own the building where the business is located or are you a tenant renting the location. Do you offer a warranty on your product or are there warranties offered by the original supplier.

Each individual industry has it's own inherent liability exposures and your broker must address all of them in order to place the proper coverage. Endorsements such as completed products and operations, limits for equipment, stock and electronic data equipment, boiler and machinery coverage, installation floater, employee benefit liability and non-owned auto liability coverage are but a few of the coverage's that need to be considered.

Certain industries also need to look at Professional Liability coverage. This is often referred to as Errors and Omissions Insurance. Many service oriented businesses such as hairdressers and beauty salons, home inspectors, general insurance brokers and other professional service providers require this type of coverage due to the nature of advise that they render to the clientele.

When you compare premium rates for commercial general liability insurance it is important to make sure that you are comparing the coverage provided by each policy and that the coverage being provided is appropriate for your business.

Yours truly,

Kenneth R Greig CFP. CAIB. RIBO.

4 Examples of Directors and Officers Insurance Claims   Small Business Insurance Quotes Information   Commercial Insurance - A Business Guide   Best Insurance for Home Workers   What Is Public Liability Insurance and How You Can Have It   

How to Buy Business Liability Insurance On-Line - The First of a Three-Part Guide

Whether you operate an existing business and would like to change policies, or you are an aspiring small business owner buying insurance policy coverage the very first time, finding general liability insurance quotes for one's business has never been easier than it is today. Because of the internet, it is possible to simultaneously compare quotes from a large number of insurance providers, consequently ensuring yourself of locating the overall-cheapest monthly premiums on the protection you want. Such freedom is available via the internet, yet shopping in this manner does offer its own unique set of problems.

Fortunately, by using a comparatively-straightforward procedure, you can find the competitive insurance quotes you want, for the perfect amount of coverage, without encountering many of the pitfalls frequently encountered while shopping on the web. This article is the first in a series of three that will guide you through this step-by-step process, and help you to join the group of small business owners who have saved cash and upgraded their coverage through purchasing liability insurance on the net.

A Couple Of Thoughts on Insurance Agents and Brokers

Because of the general complexity of many business liability policies, it can be hard for the common buyer to properly determine all of the liabilities connected to his business, and recognize an insurance plan that sufficiently insures those threats. This fact causes many independent shoppers to over-insure their enterprise (and in so doing, spend far more in premiums than is necessary) or, worse still, under-insure their company and buy insurance policies with potentially-devastating gaps in coverage.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that anyone who is looking for general liability insurance on-line talk to an insurance agent or broker who specializes in their particular industry prior to choosing a policy. This easy step guarantees that the right coverage for your business' existing, and long-term needs is covered in the plan. Luckily, the vast majority of web-based insurance companies employ professional agents who match this description and are available to work with you during the quoting process.

Getting Ready to Request Liability Insurance Quotes

In order to use your time efficiently, and get the best results while looking on-line for general liability insurance, you will want to do a little homework upfront. Since the key element to accurately comparing quotes from multiple insurance providers is to be certain that you're comparing "oranges to oranges", so to speak, you'll want to start your search process by listing out the many specifics about your business that'll be requested for each quote. Referring to this information will assure that each quote will be for the same varieties of coverage in the same quantities.

A listing of the particulars generally required by insurance companies follows. To assure that your quotes are for the right type of coverage and limits, it's crucial for you to give this information in as accurate, and comprehensive a manner as is possible.

• The kind of business you operate

• Where your business is located

• Your company's latest and projected revenues and payrolls

• The present and expected number of employees in your company

• Your business' past claims and losses record (if relevant)

• Specific information on your business' existing insurance coverage (if relevant)

• Your individual identification, including Social Security or Federal Tax ID number

Asking for General Liability Quotes

After you have finished the list of prerequisite specifics required to get your quotes, it is highly recommended that you target three-to-four different on-line insurance companies or comparison sites to start your search process. This will be a manageable number of quotes to request, while also a significant enough variety to give you a fair idea of the range of rates that are available.

The next step will be filling-out the on-line, request-for-quote forms, and sending them to each company. Anticipate being contacted via e-mail concerning questions the insurers may have and, as stated earlier, be sure to respond to these inquiries as completely and accurately as you can. You should start receiving your quotes to compare soon afterward.

Next Up in This Series of Articles - Comparing GLI Quotes...

4 Examples of Directors and Officers Insurance Claims   Small Business Insurance Quotes Information   Commercial Insurance - A Business Guide   The World of Business Insurance   Declarations Page and the Name of the Insured   

Overview of Medical Malpractice Insurance Considerations

Medical malpractice insurance is often one of the largest costs for independent providers and small physician groups. They often question how to purchase insurance the way large groups and hospitals do. The answer comes by digging in with a financial mindset and understanding negotiation.

Large buyers base their risk transfer decision on their financial position, they decide how much risk to transfer and at what price. By looking at your own financial position and determining your risk tolerance and time horizon you can address malpractice costs the same way you would any other investment.

In recent years time horizons have become increasingly volatile with healthcare reform encouraging consolidation. Many physicians are finding employment to be a better option and are purchasing tail coverage. Because most physicians purchase insurance on a claims made basis they must buy special tail insurance to cover claims for events that have happened but they do not know about yet.

Claims made insurance works by covering a claim when it is brought, not by when the event happened. The insurance contains a retroactive date, which earliest event date your policy will cover. A physician buys a policy each year he practices, upon retirement he has to purchase a tail policy to cover any potential events that have happened but have not yet been reported. This tail policy is generally twice the cost of the yearly premium.

Carrier solvency is also important and often overlooked. The recent financial crisis showed just how easily financial institutions can go under. Insurance carriers are often loosely regulated, especially risk retention groups. If you are going to buy insurance make sure it is around to pay out. Most brokers recommend an AM Best rating of A- or better. Diving in deeper is often recommended as rating agencies have a rocky track record of predicting defaults. In the event your insurance carrier goes bankrupt you are only entitled to a fraction of your policy limit in most states.

Purchasing the correct amount of limit is also important. Generally, physicians purchase $1M in coverage. In some states it is much less. The idea is to buy the most insurance possible without making yourself the deep pocket. In a worst case scenario most plaintiff attorneys will accept the physicians limit and go after the hospital or corporation for the difference they are seeking.

Because of the claims made nature of insurance any prospective partner will be concerned about whether your past liabilities are properly covered. Buying the cheapest option could sink a sale, merger or potential employment agreement. Once the coverage is purchased there is no cost effective way to retroactively change it.

Finding a trusted advisor is crucial. While you would expect education and experience in a financial planner, many physicians drop their expectations in finding an insurance broker. Look for a partner who has a strong legal and financial background.

There is also a vast difference between agents and brokers. Agents, by law, are aligned to the insurance company while brokers are required to have your best interests at heart. Find a broker who can give you unadulterated advice that is in your best financial interest.

Buying medical malpractice insurance is an important task that should not be taken lightly. Your future financial position and employability is at stake.

4 Examples of Directors and Officers Insurance Claims   Small Business Insurance Quotes Information   Commercial Insurance - A Business Guide   Importance of Van Insurance Quotes   How To Find The Best Priced Commercial Auto Insurance Policies   

Ideas on How to Maintain Cheap Commercial Insurance!

Prevent your cheap commercial insurance costs from going up by enacting a plan to reduce the number of claims during the year. You've already done your research and got the most inexpensive policy in place, without the added expense of extra, unnecessary coverage. You're now saving tons in premium fees, thereby adding to your bottom line and maybe keeping you well within the black.

In order to maintain low insurance costs, advanced planning and prevention will be of utmost concern, as indicative of the following recommendations during the course of your business.

Theft Prevention

Claims for theft are usually met with magnificent regret. Basic security implementations throughout the workplace may have prevented such events from taking place. How much does it cost to install a bunch of durable locks on all outside doorways? What would it cost to insert proper night lighting focused on the entrances to your establishment? Should you install an alarm system that could possibly earn you even lower monthly insurance premiums? In maintaining cheap commercial insurance costs, prevention would have gone farther than you realize, had there been methods in place to stop would-be robbers.

Avoid Damaging Client Property

If a mistake is made by your company during a job for a client, a claim will most likely be filed to repair any incurred damages. To alleviate such a situation, keep a good line of communication going with your employees. Instruct them to be diligent and especially conscious of the client's expensive property.

For example, a job crew installing extra light fixtures in the office of an established dental center could be given a short, five minute orientation course to identify equipment to keep clear of. Now your workers will have enough information to be aware of what areas to steer clear of, and still accomplish the work order satisfactorily. That initial orientation briefing will be worth its weight in gold when no claims for client damages need to be filed.

Safety Checks

Millions of dollars worth of insurance claims are filed each year due to a general lack of safety precautions. Again, work with your employees to reduce the risk of injuries sustained during the work day. Little things like cleaning up spills as soon as possible, or keeping walking lanes free so people can stride through without having to contort themselves just to get from one area to another, will go a long way towards filing less claims.

Are hard hats being worn at all times? Do you secure sharp kitchen knives out of the way until they are needed? Have you posted warning signs which clearly identify hazardous workstations? Your cheap commercial insurance will continue to remain low-cost when injuries are avoided by executing basic common sense.

Cheap commercial insurance is a great way to save money without sacrificing quality of coverage. A key component is executing an efficient plan to prevent injury, theft, or client property damage, which are major factors towards keeping a lid on easily avoidable business expenses.

4 Examples of Directors and Officers Insurance Claims   Small Business Insurance Quotes Information   Commercial Insurance - A Business Guide   Strategies of Buying Residential Landlords Insurance With Ease   Policies For General Contractors   How an Insurance Company's Internal Control of Reserve Practices Can Maximize Profits   

How an Orangery Can Add Value to Your Home

An orangery is not only an attractive addition to a home, it's also a one that can increase the value of your property as well as serve a very practical purpose. Essentially, an orangery can significantly increase your home's value on the market, as well as its desirability - which is always a good thing during such hard times in the property market.

Unlike a conservatory, which is often seen as a semi-permanent part of the home, an orangery is a more permanent structure and has been used for hundreds of years. Their elegant design has been around now since the 17th century and is made from a brick and glass construction and so is often more attractive than many of the alternatives, adding more value to your home.

Many homes in this day and age are finding themselves returning to 2004 prices in the UK and so the orangery offers a chance to add something as permanent as an extension, though with the added bonus of having the brightness of the conservatory. This allows both the heating efficiency of a permanent building, with a room full of flooded light like a conservatory.

The elegant construction also provides a great new area to live in and increases the square footage of a home. People have more space to live in and essentially their home is worth more.

Orangeries provide a range of opportunities for decoration and can really be changed about in as many ways as you can think of. They can be used for everything from a cosy room for the winter, as well as for a lovely, comfortable summer room to chill out in.

Of course the orangery can also be used as it was traditionally meant to be and so is great for growing plants that require slightly higher temperatures, such as (as you would expect) oranges. These areas can be used to grow a wide range of produce. So for those who enjoy growing a more exotic variety of plants will consider these rooms a great benefit.

All of these factors reflect the fact that homes are now, more so than ever, for living in and that people can't afford to move as easily. In such cases an orangery provides both a living area, and also a place to engage in an enjoyable pastime, with the bonus of adding value to your property.

Their stylish and attractive appeal is one that transcends styles and time to an extent and will look great for years to come.

So add an orangery to your home and increase the value, comfort and look of your house - it makes sense.

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